Recovery Center
The Recovery Center at Helio Health is a drop-in community center offering individuals, their families and friends a safe and engaging environment that promotes the benefits of recovery. We offer various groups, meetings, and special events that are inclusive of the recovery community. The Center is open to the public for anyone age 18 or over and all offerings are free.
Some of the programs offered by the Recovery Center include: Mental Health Support Group, LGBTQ Support Group, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcan training, art classes, Meditation, All Recovery, employment services, special holiday events, and more.
The Recovery Center Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday 10:00am – 4:00pm
Services we offer include:
Narcan Training by appointment
at the Recovery Center or in the community
Program Locations
Can I donate an item to Helio Health?
Yes! Please see our Wish List for more information.
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