Supportive Housing (OMH)
Office of Mental Health Supportive Housing
Supportive Housing Programs assist individuals with a serious psychiatric disability and OMH high priority status to obtain independent apartment living within the community by providing individualized levels of support based on client need. Supports include assistance with housing set up, and communication with property owners, financial sources, and treatment teams. Participants are encouraged to engage with outpatient treatment and wellness self-management.
These programs are for individuals discharging from psychiatric hospitals or other transitional housing programs to assist with obtaining housing in the community through support and advocacy. To apply, submit SPOA application and mental health treatment records documenting serious psychiatric disability, OMH high priority status, and source of income.
Supportive Housing I: Assists adults who have a serious psychiatric disability to obtain housing within the community; provides ongoing supportive services as needed. Apply through Onondaga Adult SPOA team.
Supportive Housing II: Designed to transition clients from long-term care at state psychiatric facilities. Referrals open to OMH psychiatric facilities only.
Supportive Housing First: Works in conjunction with ACT team to provide housing. Referrals open to ACT team only, via Adult SPOA team.
Forensic Supportive Housing 1: For individuals identified as OMH level 1 treatment while in state prison (DOCCS), referred by OMH Pre-release Coordinators, prioritized and assigned by the OMH Division of Forensics clinical team in Albany via notification to SPOA Team.
Forensic Supportive Housing 2: For individuals at OMH level 1 treatment while in state prison (DOCCS) who are released to state psychiatric center care, and then prioritized for community housing.
Supported Housing Programs Onondaga County 518 James Street, Suite 240, Syracuse, NY 13203
Catherine Street and Star Park Apartments – Supportive Single Room Occupancy (SP-SRO):
Catherine Street and Star Park Apartment buildings each contain 25 SP-SRO Mental Health one-bedroom apartments. These SP-SRO units are for individuals who meet New York State Office of Mental Health SMI (severe mental illness) criteria. Basic case management and recovery support provided on site by staff. Referrals to SP-SRO apartments come from Onondaga County SPOA, Supportive Housing, Hutchings Psychiatric Center, state-operated community residences, state forensic institutions, prisons, local hospitals, jails, parole, probation, families, self, and other community-based organizations.
Leasing is by Cornerstone Property Managers, LLC and an income requirement of 60% Aggregate Median Income (AMI) or lower is necessary. Twenty of the 25 SP-SRO apartments at Catherine Street and 25 of the 25 SP-SRO units at Star Park are Section 8 eligible.
In addition to the application, the following documentation is required:
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Photo ID
- Award letter(s) showing benefits income
- Proof of employment income (if applicable)
- Bank statements for checking/savings/assets
Applications for Catherine Street are available by calling 315-937-5181
Please submit completed applications to [email protected]
Applications for Star Park are available by calling 315-299-8100
Completed applications can be sent to [email protected]